- Transformer.
- Rated Voltage: HV 11 kV LV 416 V
- Frequency: 50 Hz
- Number of Phases: 3
- Power ratings: 100kVA, 250 kVA, 400 kVA and 630 kVA
- Type: Oil immersed, hermetically sealed (bolted type)
- Standard: IEC 60076
- Cooling: Self-cooled (ONAN)
- Voltage Variation: Off-load tap changer with 5 positions in the HV winding giving + 2 x 2.5 %.
- Windings: Copper only
- Core: Grain orientated silicon steel, step-lap mitered joints
- HV and LV Bushings: Outdoor type
- Vector Group: Dyn11
For more details information:
email: naharengineeringservice@gmail.com
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/PeD9KRgh8wSGcCVA7?g_st=iw, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1230